Best Pay
in the city
(with 0% Commission on Driver Pay)
Drivers shouldn’t need to work 7 days a week or 18 hours a day to make ends meet. At Agape Transportation we use a Driver-Centered pay model that makes our rates, the best in the city! Sign Up Today →

Most trips
in the industry
Non- Emergency Medical transportation (NEMT) is one of the fastest-growing transportation sectors in the country. With more than 50,000 rides a month in New York City, Agape Transportation assures TLC drivers will have ride in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, Staten Island, Westchester, & Long Island!
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Live Driver Support
We prioritize your time as a driver, so two teams work full-time to support you whenever needed. Our Driver support team is available 24/7 & our Specialized Driver Services team is available on weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm.
You can reach them over the phone, in person at one of our locations, via chat or via email.
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