Cada año, 3,6 millones de estadounidenses no reciben atención médica.
citas por problemas de transporte

Los pacientes que no acuden a las citas
más propensos
ser hospitalizados, necesitar varios médicos y especialistas y una gran cantidad de medicamentos.

No es
Es Sanidad

AGAPE se dedica a ofrecer la máxima calidad
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)
a todos los neoyorquinos.


El servicio es lo primero.
Nuestra prioridad es siempre demostrar el amor de Ágape a cada pasajero y asegurarnos de que reciben la atención que necesitan.


Llueva, nieve, truene o relampaguee, la vasta red de conductores de Agape y su sistema de gestión basado en la nube siempre estarán a la altura de la tarea, independientemente de las circunstancias.


Nuestro personal, pasajeros y conductores son neoyorquinos de pura cepa. Servimos a nuestra ciudad como serviríamos a nuestras familias, porque lo son.


El servicio es lo primero.
Nuestra prioridad es siempre demostrar el amor de Ágape a cada pasajero y asegurarnos de que reciben la atención que necesitan.


Llueva, nieve, truene o relampaguee, la amplia red de conductores de Agape y su sistema de gestión basado en la nube siempre estarán a la altura de las circunstancias.

Comunidad Enfocado

Nuestro personal, pasajeros y conductores son neoyorquinos de pura cepa. Servimos a nuestra ciudad como serviríamos a nuestras familias, porque lo son.


Más de 1.000.000 de reservas
Cada año

Más de 800 conductores
y Vehículos

Asistencia en directo

Con un tiempo medio de espera de llamada de 2 minutos 15 segundos

Tasa de aceptación

Incluidos los complementos del mismo día y de última hora

Nuestra flota de Sedanes, SUVsy Vehículos Accesibles para Sillas de Ruedas

proporcionan 24/7 transporte médico no de emergencia en todo

Nueva York, Long Island y Westchester


Seguimiento de vehículos por GPS
Para reservistas y pacientes

Actualizaciones de texto
para pacientes

Confirmación de llamada

Conformidad con la HIPPA
Facturación electrónica

Nuestros socios

En Agape, entendemos la importancia de las asociaciones en la prestación de servicios de transporte médico de alta calidad.
Estamos orgullosos de trabajar con una amplia red de proveedores de asistencia sanitaria, compañías de seguros, hospitales y otros socios para garantizar que nuestros clientes reciban la mejor atención posible.

Por qué es importante el NEMT

Acceso a servicios de transporte médico no urgente (NEMT)
puede ser un salvavidas para muchas personas, permitiéndoles acceder a una atención médica esencial que de otro modo estaría fuera de su alcance. Por ejemplo, Rosa, una madre soltera con dos hijos que llevaba unas semanas con dolor en el pecho. Preocupada por su salud, concertó una cita con su médico de atención primaria, quien le recomendó que consultara a un cardiólogo.....

Agape ofrece ahora entregas de recetas gratuitas

Entregas el mismo día, al día siguiente y urgentes directamente en su puerta

Agape ofrece ahora entregas de recetas gratuitas

Entregas el mismo día, al día siguiente y urgentes directamente en su puerta

Mario Sena

Fundador y Consejero Delegado

Mario Sena puso en marcha Agape Transportation Management en 2012 desde un pequeño armario de su casa en el Bronx. Conductor inmigrante de taxis amarillos y negros durante 30 años, Mario superó el millón de kilómetros recorridos sólo en la ciudad de Nueva York. Reconoció la necesidad de opciones de transporte para las personas que necesitan ayuda para acudir a las citas con el médico y a tratamientos médicos como diálisis y radioterapia. Junto con su esposa Olga y su hijo Danny, iniciaron una empresa que hoy cuenta con más de 800 conductores y presta servicio a miles de pasajeros cada día.
Mario espera seguir sirviendo a los pasajeros que han confiado en
Agape por sus citas vitales y a los numerosos conductores cuyas experiencias conoce demasiado bien.

Tomada por Luand Duran

Las razones por las que más de 5000 pacientes
elegir el transporte Agape cada semana

Lisa C.
Lisa C.
On time and courteous
amador R.
amador R.
Muy grato el viaje el carro muy limpio y el chófer muy profesional y buen conductor.
J L.
J L.
Nadia C.
Nadia C.
Excellent services!!
Benney I.
Benney I.
Highly recommended. Please use this service. It is professional, competent and excellent. You will love their automated system. They are the best in New York City for now. Thank you and enjoy your ride as I have been doing with them.
Lynette H.
Lynette H.
So much better thanAccess a Ride
Guy G.
Guy G.
Outstanding, efficient and reliable.
George R.
George R.
Excellen. thank you
Tina A.
Tina A.
Everything I ride with them is good
richlo D.
richlo D.
Excellent service
Bellemadame J.
Bellemadame J.
I love this company, I have been using this company for years.They are always on time to pick me up for my appointment and I always arrive on time. I always recommend this service to friends.Agape always calls to confirm my pickup and the drivers are very respectful and professional. Keep up the good work Agape!
Renee A.
Renee A.
My favorite car service. I only use Agape Transportation, I love the service I receive, courteous and friendly response from the call center and the drivers.
Raymond H.
Raymond H.
Yes agape is a great company love your staff.
Michelle W.
Michelle W.
Thank you for your kind , respectful and helpful drivers. They are always on time. Thank you again❤️
Devon W.
Devon W.
Edwanny Castro was a great driver. But the thing that I liked most about the drive was his beautifully clean car. I would love to have that driver in his car again in the future if possible. Thank You.
denise J.
denise J.
Excellent service
yvonne M.
yvonne M.
Very friendly and courteous.
thea C.
thea C.
The most on time or near on-time medical transportation I've used. There are exceptions now and then. The drivers are almost always very nice too.
Lynette F.
Lynette F.
Customer service is excellent. They are always on time. I feel safe with their drivers.
D 3
D 3
Very good service
Catherine R.
Catherine R.
Good transportation
Luz P.
Luz P.
Great confi and cool
Francesca R.
Francesca R.
Excelencia de servicio, lo recomiendo.
Rocky W.
Rocky W.
Enjoyed the ride and was on time.
Carmen R.
Carmen R.
Heather W
Heather W
I had a great experience The driver was great!
A T.
A T.
Olu is a great driver (Olujinmi))
It’s reliable service, smartly automated unlike other similar companies. The agents are courteous. The feature I like most is that you can respond “return” on the message they had sent you once you arrived to the destination and the car will be quickly provided to take you back.The only problem is that it’s hard to reach the office over the phone. The wait is usually up to 8-10 min. If I quickly want to resolve an issue about the ride, it can’t be done.It’s very dissatisfying that this certainly good-running and thus profitable agency doesn’t provide more lines and operators.


Access to non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) services can be a lifeline for many people, allowing them to access essential medical care that would otherwise be out of reach. Take, for instance, Rosa, a single mother of two who had been experiencing chest pain for a few weeks. Concerned about her health, she scheduled an appointment with her primary care physician, who recommended that she see a cardiologist. As someone who relies on public transportation, Rosa was worried about getting to the appointment, especially since the clinic was located across town. She had missed appointments in the past because of transportation issues and didn't want to risk missing this important appointment. A friend suggested she look into NEMT services, and though Rosa was hesitant at first, she decided to give it a try. When she scheduled a ride, she was pleasantly surprised when a courteous driver arrived at her door, ready to take her to the clinic. The driver made sure Rosa was comfortable during the ride and arrived on time to the appointment. After the appointment, the driver was there to take her back home. Thanks to NEMT services, Rosa was able to get the medical care she needed without having to worry about transportation. Access to NEMT services is especially important for those who live in urban areas and low-income communities, where transportation options can be limited. NEMT services offer a safe and reliable way for individuals to get to their medical appointments, regardless of their location or income. Drivers are licensed by the New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC) to transport patients safely and efficiently, and they arrive on time to pick up patients from their homes. In addition to being reliable, NEMT drivers are courteous and professional, treating patients with respect and compassion. During the ride, they make sure patients are comfortable and safe and are happy to accommodate any special needs or requests. It is worth noting that NEMT drivers are not familiar with the patient's medical needs as a way of respecting patient privacy in accordance with HIPAA guidelines. NEMT services are critical for promoting healthcare fairness and ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to get the medical care they need. By using NEMT services, patients like Rosa can get to their appointments safely and on time with a courteous driver while protecting their privacy.